The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a series of
free classes offered by Oswego Hospital. It is an evidence
based program developed by the CDC to prevent Type 2
Diabetes. It is a year long program with each class lasting 1
hour. For the first sixteen weeks, classes meet weekly. After
that classes meet once or twice a month for the remainder
of the year. The class is recommended for people who
have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, are at risk for
Type 2 diabetes or who had gestational diabetes while
pregnant. You may have or be at risk for pre-diabetes if
you are 45 or older, are overweight, have a family history
of type 2 diabetes, are physically active fewer than 3 times
a week, ever had diabetes while pregnant or gave birth to
a baby that weighed more than nine pounds. Pre-diabetes
raises your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease
and stroke. Without weight loss or moderate physical
activity, many people develop type 2 diabetes within 5
years. The classes are led by trained facilitators and include
skills needed to lose weight, be more physically active
and manage stress. This proven program can help you
make modest lifestyle changes and cut your risk of Type 2
Diabetes by more than half. Participants weigh in weekly
and are encouraged to keep a fitness log and food journal.
To Register Call 315-349-5513