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5 ways to make your home safer from falls
Older adults are particularly vulnerable to having a serious injury or even dying from a fall. These tips can help you stay steady on your feet. (1 min. read) Learn more
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  • Dieta y colesterol
    Puede mejorar sus niveles de colesterol HDL y LDL con una dieta saludable.Vea la infografía
  • Diet and cholesterol
    By following a healthy diet, you can improve your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.View the infographic
  • 7 keys to healthy aging
    It's not too late or too early to prioritize aging well.View the infographic
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Bunches of radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and peppers cover a countertop.
Learn a few quick tips for improving your levels. (3 min. read)
The wax inside your ears is the body's natural defense against infection. Learn how to take care of your ears and what to do about the earwax inside with Oswego Health.
Start the school year off right with a visit to your primary care provider. Learn more from Oswego Health.
Are you at risk for Type 2 diabetes? It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms. Find out more from Oswego Health.
Being proactive about one’s health can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Learn more from Oswego Health.
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